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Resolutions for 2022

Another year has gone by and once again, I’m amazed to see how time flies when your life is falling apart.

All jokes aside, 2021 was one hell of a ride and I’m kinda glad it’s over. Pandemic, self-doubt, heartbreak, falling out with friends, anxiety and some more. I’m thankful for the lessons and the adventures but I’m very much still processing everything that went down. I’m a firm believer that you repeat what you don’t fix and every year I take my resolutions very seriously. For the last 7 years, I’ve written them down and tapped them to the inside of my wardrobe to keep them in sight all year long. I usually divide my resolutions into 3 sections: things I want to improve about myself, my objectives, and a travel bucket list. When January comes, I sit down with my previous list and evaluate how well I did. Everything I’ve acquired is good to go and everything I haven’t is brought onto the new year. I’ve had some of the same resolutions on my list for years and it’s okay, some things take more time to learn.


  • Have my own back; don’t do anything that feels wrong

  • Live in the moment and enjoy the present

  • Be honest about my feelings even when it hurts

  • Learn to let go of things when they are no longer feeling right/good

  • Learn how to deal with negative emotions better. Not everything requires a reaction

  • Not everything I do should be profitable. Do things that I enjoy for the sake of feeling good

  • Focus on healing and thriving

  • Spend my money more wisely

  • Love for free. Invest in my friendships

  • Find a balanced routine


  • Graduate with a First Class degree

  • Keep writing and make Le Coin des Coccinelles grow

  • Get into my dream uni for Masters

  • Keep up with yoga

  • Read more

  • Reduce screen time

  • Explore hobbies

  • Spend more time in nature

  • Journal more frequently

  • Get my driver license (this one has been there for A WHILE)


  • Milan

  • Barcelona

  • Toronto

I usually conclude my resolution with some kind of motto for the year (positive affirmation if you will) and these past 3 years I’ve worked on my anxiety and ability to enjoy the present time, leading to the recurrent:

“Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.”


Since I'm a very visual person (and spend too much time on Pinterest anyway), I also like to create a vision board for the upcoming year. Hope you enjoy and feel free to share your resolutions for 2022 on Instagram or in the comment sections! May this year be ours




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