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2023 Resolutions & Reflection

Breaking hearts, racing hearts, melting hearts.

In a heartbeat, 2022 came to an end.



And bloom.

Throughout the early months of 2022, I faced an immense sense of loss and nostalgia caught me like quicksand. I began the year mending my broken heart and witnessed friends become strangers. In many ways, this year forced me to grieve the person I used to be and the relationships I had outgrown. As painful as it was, my mourning was necessary for my growth. Letting go created room to embrace the new and improved version of myself.

I stopped watering dead plants and instead opened my heart to new faces, new laughs and stories.

I kept the things that really mattered private.

I learned that it in fact, okay to feel lost, insecure and confused at 22.

I accepted that in order to move forward, I needed to accept that the love you hold for people mustn’t need to go away, just because they did.

If this is your first time here, welcome. If you’ve hung out on Le Coin des Coccinelles already, you might be familiar with how diligent I am with resolutions. For the last 8 years, I’ve written my resolution down, dividing them into 3 sections: things I want to improve (mind) about myself, my objectives (tangible goals), and a travel bucket list (actions). I don’t believe in out-of-character resolutions and quick fixes. Growth comes in waves and each year that go by throws new challenges at you. Thus, I’ve carried out some resolutions for years, reflecting on my list every January.


  • Find a balanced routine between Switzerland and Scotland

  • Learn to let go of negative things, people or situations

  • Collects moments over things; spend my money more wisely

  • Invest in my community/friends

  • Prioritise my body, soul and mind

  • Stop wasting energy on people who will not reciprocate it

  • Be more spontaneous, carefree and lighthearted; laugh more

  • Being present in each moment


  • Keep writing and make Le Coin des Coccinelles grow; reach 1K

  • Expand my cultural capital

  • Keep up with yoga, pilates and the gym

  • Read 10 books

  • Spend more time in nature; go hiking and daily walks

  • Attend a festival and concerts


  • Brasil — Sao Paolo, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro

  • Italy — Milan, Florence, the Dolomites

  • Greece — Milos

Once again, I will conclude my resolution with my favourite motto for the year (positive affirmation if you will):

“Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.”

Since I'm a very visual person (and spend too much time on Pinterest anyway), I also like to create a vision board for the upcoming year. Hope you enjoy and feel free to share your resolutions for 2023 on Instagram or in the comment sections! May this year be ours




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